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Striding into the conference room, Charles placed his notes on the desk and greeted Layla with a polite bow. He gave Gidyun a glance and sat down. He wasn't late, he just wasn't the first to be on time. He was hoping to find Tasha today and enquire about Scotland. She'd seemed to want to tell him, but not in that place. Perfectl understandable.
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Layla looked up when the conference room door opened and smiled at her boss as he walked in. She was looking well because she was doing well. Pregnancy glow they called it right?
"Good morning Gidyun. Thank you, that is because I am well. You look good too." She went back to reading over the notes in front of her.
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Quinn walked into the conference room, coffee in hand. She was excited - it was her second time already! She walked up to the other people in the room.
"Hi! How are you?"
Smirking slightly he shook his head. He'd been aware of Becca's catching Charles for just a moment back at orientation, and it had amused him to no end. He just sipped some from his coffee mug not even commenting on the man entering. "Thank you." he said with a smile to Layla at her comment. "Good morning Quinn." he said brightly.
They were all there basically now, just missing Elizabeth, but he wasn't sure if she was coming or not. BUT at the moment really they only had three Ministry employees needing to be taken care of. So maybe this was for the best? "Alright, this meeting is in regards to some employees who have been transferred or moved from out of the country, and we have three employees that are in need of our services. Charles, I figured you might be a good person to help with this, with regard to the many languages you speak as well as your knowledge of American customs."
Pulling the three papers from his folder, "I have Javier Vargas from MLE, Claire Fayard from Accidents & Catastrophes, and Chelsea J. Winnington-Mae from Magical Creatures."
Potterlocked Javier Vargas - America - MLE
starlight617 Claire Fayard - American Ministry - A&C
D.A Forever Chelsea J. Winnington-Mae - Romania - Creatures