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Minerva smiled as more came over. This would be great. Puffs always worked well together. So they had to get things for their fire. "So Ella, Elodie, Adi, Kace, and myself will get the stones." She looked at their stone group, girls and younger students, hope the stones weren't too heavy, but they could manage. Team work and all. Turning back to the group she scanned to see who else had joined so far, "Kace, Lottie, Marigold, and Laura, why don't you lot go ahead and get the wood. Any other badgers could be right here saving our awesome place and taking the materials as we collect them."
That seemed reasonable, didn't it. "We can start by making the circle with the stones, once that's done, then place the wood in the middle. I've only helped my grandfather do this, so I'm not sure I know exactly how it goes, but as long as we put it together it should work." Yeah.. that sounded right and smart and stuff. She hoped.
Well time to get the stones, Min took off towards the stones.
Kace heard the order from Prefect Minnie. Once he was done placing the stones down around the pit they were gonna have their supposed fire, he heard the order from Minnie asking to go get some wood. He stopped what he was doing and it seemed like they had the stones under control. They did need wood and that was an important ingredient for a fire. He gave the thumbs to Minnie and headed to look for wood. He wanted to be manly and look for the wood with the guys.
He went over to the woods and looked for firewood. He heard Kaiden saying that they need twigs and bark and big pieces of wood. He gave him the thumbs up. He was actually good at picking up firewood or knowing which sticks were good for campfires. He searched and he found twigs that were wet and that wouldn't be good for the fire. He collected his twigs and even some big pieces of wood he managed to carry on his own. He came back with as much as he could carry and said,
"Well Minnie and Ella i have some wood here." he said motioning towards the big bundle in his hands.