Thread: Photo Station
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Old 10-30-2013, 07:35 AM   #15 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Syd laughed from a jumble of emotions as his acquiescence truely set in. She hadnt yet met a person who had willingly offered her a hand. Touch for her was a window into a persons soul, the very essence of who they were was laid bare for her to see and judge. The responsibility...and the trust hit her full force. Swallowing she extended her hand...

Jasper reached his hand out for hers, but drew it out as though reluctant taking step after step nearer to her. His hand always out of reach until he was close enough to hold her. A little brush of skin and imagery here and a little brush of skin and imagery there before withdrawing a finger from her chin. He eased into it as much as one could, before putting his arms around her so in a non-constraining manner that it might look like a friendly embrace to anyone choosing a moment such as now to have their photo taken. The inner workings of that hug, however were far more intense as he let a fierce cocktail of humiliation, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, fear, not-fear, calloused cowardice, willful ignorance and casual apathy take hold. She would see it all anyway. As might she see charity, the protection of ideals, and a phoenix-like resilience to keep on keeping on. These memories surfaced knowing he'd have a lot to answer for, though he didn't have an answer for most of it. Not really.

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