Oh! His Department Head recognised him! Of course she did. Hadn't he be required to send in a photo? Determined not to let his nerves get the better of him, Jory smiled and extended his hand, giving the woman firm handshake.
"Yes, I am. Thank you, Miss Browne.'' It was Miss and not Mrs, right?
Just then another employee joined them. He too got a firm handshake from Jory. When he heard what Wes said, he couldn't help but smile.
"I know. That's part of the reason why I wanted to join.'' Oh! He was leaving?
"I wish you all the best then, Mr. Ferguson.'' Jory was curious as to know what Wes would be doing now but didn't think it was his place to pry.
The next person to introduce themselves was an...Auror! Jory was in awe. That was where he hoped to be someday. When he could finally say he made it, he'd become an Auror.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Bennett. Jory Stonewall, YATI.'' Too bad Simon couldn't stay any longer. Jory would have liked to hear about his job. But he nodded politely as the man left.