Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.
There was food.
Charlie perked up at the smell, her pace down the stairs quickening. She was maybe late. She was probably late. But they liked her, right? They wouldn't start without her, would they? Or would they at least save some for her? After Cats Christmas present she'd wanted more Moretti food. Small taste wasn't enough.
And she was happier again, which was good. Meant for more fun, and she'd be better company.
Skidding 'round the corner, Charlie came to a stop, before slowing her skid to a walk. "Hiiiiiiiiii." Were individual greetings required, or would the rather long syllable suffice? Eye contact! And waves. And Olly. Oh, so maybe not everyone liked her, but she would be nice and polite and make the 'Puff love her stuff. "Smells amazing."
__________________ ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽