Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Aron Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Had...she just compared his son to a dog? If the comment had come from anyone else Roxanne he would have heard it as an insult, but since it was the Creatures Head it didn't read that way at all. Only confirmed she needed to be beamed back to the mothership. Aron had worked with plenty of people like her - hello, he was a herbologist first - but could honestly say that she was the first one to read his aura. At least the first to tell him about it.
"I don't think animals are allowed at a function like this..." he said, trailing off a bit to stop himself from entirely finishing his thought about sanitation and the like. Although the image of a dog peeing on someone's leg was amusing and would certainly bring some life to the party.
Everyone was so bloody stiff and serious! Or grumpy. There were a lot of grumpy people here this evening.
Could he elbow her? Would she go all Auror on him and whack him back with her fist? He knew how women in MLE could be with their personal space and all that. He would have risked it had it not been for the flailing baby attached to him.
"Would have to be a darn strong cat to drag you in," he replied with a wink instead of said elbow jab.
And since Emily now seemed to be a bit preoccupied with her friiiiiiiiend - not to mention only Simon seemed to really get into the whole toast concept - he was going to mingle a bit more over this way.
Also no need to rub it into the Auror's face that he and his department had out ninja-ed them last year. Aron's comment elicited a grin, see, this is why he was good company. He could joke around but wasn't quite so insane as to be a crazy dog aura reading specimen of a human being... that hippy stuff.
Emily returned the wink, but didn't return conversation. There were things she wanted to discuss with him, but now was hardly the time or place and it seemed they were being drawn away to different groups. There would be time for colluding and conspiring later. SPOILER!!: Simon Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Was that a peace sign that woman was sending his way?
Simon couldn't be sure as he spied her across the room, no real indication of who she was. Department head or employee either or didn't matter to the young man. Perhaps he would introduce himself later on to find out. Or perhaps not, the auror mused to himself as she seemed to be acting quite peculiar.
And he wasn't the only who taken aback by the woman and her antics as Emily offered her a simple greeting before a minimalistic escape beside him. Yes...Simon did notice his boss's small movement, taking it in stride as a usual mannerism.
She, well technically THEY since Simon was still nearby, were rescued by another addition to the group. He seemed vaguely familiar but the auror couldn't entirely place the face. However as he absently listened to what the mna had to say, the thoughts of Emily's possible promotion were confirmed. His response was momentarily cut off by his collegue's use of his name.
Simon gave him...Mr Recard...another look and now registered some slight similarity to the former ministry worker of the same name. But thankfully his personality appeared far more bearable then the earlier counterpart. The auror shook it off not caring much for dwelling on the comparison, especially when there were other matters at hand. Like confronting the news of change. "I guess congratulations are in order..." he mused looking back over at Emily. Oh? He was still here... hovering. Cool, he could suit himself. Emily had been too focused on Recard to notice that he was actually listening in on their conversation. Not that it was particularly private, but it was between them. "I guess they are," she agreed, though not quite in the celebratory mood. Her single objective for the night was to keep sane and just get through it. The looks, the glares, the welcomes and congratulations ad everything in between. It had been beginning to look bleak, until now. Ellis would keep her sane, maybe even motivate her to be sociable. SPOILER!!: Wes and Roxanne Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Well this was going to be weird. Physically, Wes was caught in that awkward 'I'm not really employed here anymore but I still have to train my replacement' stage, but mentally, he was already all moved to Australia. In fact, his suits and most of his dress clothes were already there. So even though this fancy schmancy part--- excuse him, ball ---was going to no fun, at least he had an excuse to wear jeans.
Ah, there was his replacement now. "Emily," Wes greeted her in a low voice, popping up just behind her shoulder as though he were there all along. He definitely wasn't still being paranoid and patrolling around the perimeter of the place, nope. "How's it going?"
I.E. Had she seen any of their MLErs and/or told them thiiiiiiings yet? Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty It may have been a little immature of her, but Roxanne was not going to be nice unless she absolutely had to be this evening. I.E., if one of her employees showed up. So, the only response Emily got was a nod. The same thing for Aron, only instead of nod, he got the stink eye. Really? A toast? She didn't even have a drink on her, but even if she did, she wouldn't have raised it to that. There was no way this year was going to be better than last, and she had given up hoping for such a long time ago.
Ah, there was Wes. If she could, she would leave right after saying bye to him. Hell, if Greingoth was still Minister, she would've been able to. But not with this Minister, whom, now that she thought of it, didn't even have the decency to show up himself. Anyway, focus Carter, focus. She approached the former MLE head, stopping right beside him. "I just wanted to say, you'll be missed around here." And she really meant it, too. Hearing Wes' voice from behind her did wonders to put her at ease. There! People could stop giving her looks and indirectly blaming her for his departure. He wasn't gone yet, he was here! "Things are, slow but good," she replied coolly, not skipping a beat, "I was wondering when you'd show up." Whether he'd been here for some time or whether he did just turn up, she didn't know, but at least his presence was known.
Of course, now, Roxanne decided to open her mouth...
Emily refrained from commenting, she was not going to behave like a child in front of her colleagues. But she did feel the same way. She would miss Wes, and his leadership... under which she had learnt a great deal.
And then speaking of... Emily exchanged a look with Wes and cocked her head toward a lost looking soul. She recognised him from his application... it was that Stonewall kid. SPOILER!!: Jory Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 All these people chatting with each other! Jory felt quite out of place and awkward and not to mention nervous. He was sure most of the persons here were Department Heads because this was where the Heads met the newbies.
How in the world was he to recognise his Head? Best make his presence known, right? Jory cleared his throat. "Good evening,'' he said in general. Good! He sounded composed. Just needed to keep that up. Stepping forward, Emily extended her hand for a shake, "Good evening, you must be Jory Stonewall..." must be? of course he was, she knew that, she knew things. "My name's Emily Browne, your Department Head," she introduced herself, "welcome to the Ministry of Magic." And Merlin... that in itself seemed like a lot of talking. She should stop that. Simplify.
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