C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Quote:
Originally Posted by Riverlynn Syndil allowed herself to be led away from the buffet table and over to the photo station. She had to admit this was a smart idea considering there was no one over here. That was perhaps the only reason she was allowing herself to be sheparded out of the crowd. Once they were over at the booth though she pulled away and waited. His response though short only served to make the situation worse. "You can't. You're sorry. And its not my fault." She said each word slowly. Like she was tasting them in her mouth, weighing how each one came out. Her amber eyes locked on him as she paced a bit from agitation. "You've got to be kidding me! That's the best you've got. A mismash of over used cliques?!" He almost didn't believe this was really happening. Had someone released a boggart into the buffet and somehow managed to train it to attack him and only him? Because this, right then, what was happening to him at that moment was an unparalleled nightmare for him and had been for sometime since he'd left the girl. A guilty conscience knows no bounds. 'You can't.' She'd gotten the word out and he knew. He felt his stomach twist... 'You're sorry.' ...And his heart jam upwards into his throat. 'And it's not my fault.' He looked fearful and only fearful, because whatever would be coming next would assuredly do harm.
"Look! I wasn't trying to be witty, Syndil." OBVIOUSLY, Jasp! "I just wanted you to know. And I didn't intend for it to hurt you, but it did and I've failed. I've failed you. Is that what you want me to say?" His words less angry than laced with an unwillingness to know the answer. Was he trying to make her angry? No stranger to passive aggressive sabotage was Mitterbill. |