there ain't no accident we can't fix! Quote:
Originally Posted by starlight617 Claire returned the woman's smile, “Claire Fayard." she said holding out her hand. “Sorry for being so harsh." she apologized to the woman Jasper obviously knew her. She turned back to him and answered his question, " Either one they're both good." she noticed he wanted to speak to the woman alone and nodded to them as he pulled the woman away. She watched them for a few moments and then turned back to the food to decide what to eat. As much as GinaMarie loved people watching she couldn't deny that her stomach was now growling almost continuously from the smell the buffet table gave off. She approached it slowly, tying not give off any reason to believe that she could probably eat the whole table by herself because she was that hungry. Where to begin? The brunette asked herself. "Hello there." GinaMarie smiled at the woman she approached. Really the only reason she was even speaking to the woman was because she was standing in front of more food...but she didn't let that show. "Don't think I've met you yet." She said with another smile. That's because you haven't spoken to anyone yet. "I'm GinaMarie." Good introduction, GM. Forget the food. SOCIALIZE. Shaking hands was good, right? Good, because she stuck her hand out for the woman to shake.
Last edited by TheDoctor; 10-28-2013 at 05:00 AM.