Thread: Buffet Table
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Old 10-28-2013, 12:37 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default This is apparently where the unhappies go? XD
C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

Still recovering from an awful amalgam of shame, embarrassment & hurt, Jasper made his way over to the buffet table and reached immediately for the napkins and began sponging away the champagne that had been tossed onto him. Although he'd managed to score an ideal job as a prophecy collator for the department of mysteries and things were generally focused upways, Jasper felt entirely like a loser. Syndil didn't forgive him anymore than he'd forgiven himself for his past actions or inactions. What a horrible way to start the new year.

Ooh, look. Crab Cakes.

But he was too sad to eat at the moment.
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