post 4 Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche
Annabeth rushed around the greenhouse to pick up Mint. After taking a beautiful sprig of Mint, she placed it on the table and cast the incantation once again. "Siccus Aerous!". The hot air dried the mint and a pleasent scent filled her nostrills. It reminded her the small bag her friend gave her to use as an amulet: it contained cloves and cinnamon. Anna smiled and searched for it into her bag. It was heartbreaking having to undo the small bag, but she needed to finish Jory's blend. Anna took a scissor and cut the bag, letting droping its content on the table. Quickly she gathered the cloves and the cinnnamon and put everything into the bag with the other ingredients. It was done. She grinned and then she shook the bag mixing the ingredients. Anna approached her nose to the bag and sniffed it. It had a wonderful aroma, she could bet Jory would love it!