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Jasper hadn't had a drink all night. Not one sip of champagne. Why then was his mind telling him, as if intoxicated or working off the effects of some euphoria-inducing potion, that he'd seen that familiar face before? An amber-eyed face filled with kindness and sympathy that he'd left for figurative dead more than a decade ago.
It couldn't have been her. Not the Syndil Rivers whose touch he'd idiotically decided to starve himself of for want of being good enough for her. A never fulfilled want. And had he hurt her in doing so? Did she miss him? Remember him? Was he anything but that dolt who doesn't know how to return an owl? A coward. He slowly stopped the momentum of his dance with Mrs. Kapoor and asked to be alone. A request Kapoor complied to wishing to see her former pupil do on his own. And for what seemed far more than a minute, Jasper stood there on the ballroom floor paralyzed by the sight of Syndil Rivers.
Finally the splendor of the place sunk in enough for her to be able to look around at other things. As a waiter passed she grabbed a glass of wine and took a sip. With as many people as there were here she could feel a whole lot more then usual. As she slowly walked through the room Syd nodded and said hello to a few people while letting the rest flow over her. And yet there was something there that gave her pause.
Someone felt familiar here. She knew Gid and Becca would be here but it it wasn't them. As much time as she had spent with the couple she would know their signature anywhere. This was different. Following her instincts Syd made her way around a couple groups of people, dodged a harried looking waiter......and came face to face with....