SPOILER!!: Jack/Cale
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Jack Fritzera had to arrive AFTER his wife, since he was coming straight from Quidditch practice. It had been a brutal one too - in the scrimmage game, it had taken him almost fifteen minutes to catch the snitch after he spotted it. Nasty little bugger that one was. As he entered the entrance hall, he grinned and spotted Reese headed towards the staircase. She was hard to miss, what with her sparkly dress and everything.
He hurried up to her, snuck behind her and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Hello beautiful. Miss me?" he asked with a grin.
Cale Newell entered the hall - well, actually, he kind of barged his way in all dramatic like - and looked around. Not many people here yet, but that was ok. There would be lots of people here soon, and soon the whole Ministry would be buzzing with the news that HE. WAS. BACK!
That's right. Cale Newell had returned to the Ministry!
In reality, he was sure that the only people who cared about this were the Gryffindors he'd gone to school with, his wife, and a few other select people. But Cale liked to THINK his return was a huge deal. It made him less nervous, because in reality, he was FREAKING OUT. Department Head! That was such a big JOB! He was IN CHARGE of people! And the entire transportation system of the British Wizarding World!
Oh yes. It was enough to make any man nervous, even Cale.
Reese had acknowledged the nod from the man nearby her, and she studied him for a brief second before nodding back. She absentmindedly twirled a strand of her hair around her index finger as she watched more people file into the entrance hall; she soon decided that it was time to head on up to the ballroom. She knew Jack would join her eventually after his game, and this woman did not want to stand around like a loner.
She turned around to begin ascending the staircase when someone planted a kiss on her cheek from behind, and her face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree before she even turned around to come face to face with her husband.
"That's not even a question, Mr. Fritzera," She stated as she draped her arms around his neck and kissed his nose.
"I always miss you when you aren't around... and did practice go well? Are you hungry?" She was sure he was hungry after being on the field, and she would get him to the buffet table in no time.
Over Jack's shoulder, Reese noticed a familiar hair full of curls walk through the door -- or more like, dramatically entered the entrance hall as if it were a runway. She could not help but giggle at the dramatic entrance of her old time friend/brother figure Cale Newell; he always knew how to bring some attention to himself. She did not want to break this moment with her husband, and she knew she could catch up with Cale later on. Heck, Cale was her
BOSS now! When did that happen?? It seemed like only yesterday that she and Cale had been at Hogwarts together, and she now would be doing coffee runs for him.
She did however wave at her old friend to show him that she noticed him in the hall and as she did so, she commented to Jack,
"He's my boss now."