Oooooh, Divinations!! AKA the most romantic class EVER!! Fern was so excited; she even had written down a whole list of questions to start divining the answers to.
Slightly out of breath because, in her eagerness, she had ran all the way up the floors and monkeyed up the rope ladder as if at any moment it would break, Fern had to take a little time out at the entrance to gather her breath. But then she was up and going again, calling out, "Hello Professor!" and waving to the Hufflepuffs in the corner (but NOT Tora, who was sitting by them), before taking a seat next to Claudette and Minnie.
The class might have been dark, but to Fern it appeared bright and cheerful, and she watched the professor with avid interest while unknowingly tapping her left foot in anticipation.
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