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Oh. He had apparently misunderstood her when she said that she wanted to use 'Incendio.' Michael had thought she wanted to melt the chocolate directly with the spell, but he realised just how stupid that would be and he mentally kicked himself for being an idiot. "Okay." He also realised that he had essentially given her the easy job as he dumped the chocolate into the pot and gave it a few pokes and prods to get it to melt.
He alternated between watching the chocolate and watching her and he wondered if she had a boyfriend? He had never seen her with one particular guy, so he assumed that she didn't. The thought cheered him somewhat and he went back to stirring the chocolate.
Michael chuckled softly to himself when she mentioned going into business together because he had just been thinking the same thing. "Sounds like someone else I know." he said with a grin as he looked over to her. "You're not related to her in some way are you?" Hehe. That would be funny.
Giving the chocolate another couple of stirs, he took the pot of the stove. "It's ready." Well it was melted anyway.
She was inspecting each mould and getting them cleaned as best she could. The spell was doing all the work but
technically this wrist flicking wasn't as easy as it looked. There was a
technique. Not a very hard one but shhhhh. While she cleaned she noticed him looking over at her. Lex tilted her head.
"Something wrong?" Nothing they couldn't fix yes? Something on the mould she was holding maybe? Just in case she looked at it. Seeeeemed normal to her.
Admittedly, she had a feeling she knew who he was referring to and it made her grin.
"Does it? That person already sounds awesome in my book." As for the relation to the Headmistress...weeeeeeell.
"We're like BFFs! Totally. Spent an evening together once, us and our felines. Bonded over chocolate too. She's super nice, even if she pretends not to be." Says the oblivious Gryffindor who didn't notice the pained looks the Headmistress had the entire time. Sigh.
Her face lit up the moment he said it was done!
"Woot!!" She dropped the last of the moulds on the counter and went to have a look.
"I was thinking we could add some sprinkles before pouring it into the mould--the nuts too then you can stir it if you want." She didn't mind so long as they were mixed in.
She was getting even MOAR excited now.