Now that she had two of the herbs she started looking for the others. This was not as hard as she first thought, well hopefully. Basil shouldn't be to hard to find either, right? She had used it to cook many of times. Not something she would have thought to be in tea, but why not. As she looked around she noticed the plant she assumed was the basil, was this basil. Glancing through her book she decided it was and leaned down sniffing it. She knew cooking, so she knew the herbs that she used. Taking some leaves from the Basil she placed them with the others in her basket.
Now she only had one left. Chamomile.. Chamomile. She knew it has little flowers on it, but she just wasn't finding it. Looking at the herbs she drew a blank. Why was this being so difficult. The others didn't seem as hard, now did they. She walked around the plants a little more until she saw what looked like little white flowers. Smiling to herself she took a few pieces from the chamomile and headed back to her workstation. Now that she had the picked herbs she needed to dry them, right?