Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Up and up Tag made his way into the Divination classroom. He liked this class, and Professor Elwood. An she was a nice Professor, which made the class more enjoyable- Tag figured. Even if he semi-struggled with the material sometimes.
Well the classroom was exceptionally dark today, yeah? Tag didn't find it too weird. Elwood wasn't a shifty professor or anything. Maybe she just wanted the room to have more of a comfortable feel? The little blonde went up to Professor Elwood, where she was sitting at her desk, and gave her a huge Tag smile. "Gooood morning Professor! How are you?!"
Was it morning? Mid-day, afternoon? Tag merely shrugged his shoulders at his own thoughts.
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