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Except Alice had a feeling Lex was going to turn on HER when she was all dry, so the next spell she cast was another "Aguamenti!" to ensure that her partner was the one being used as homework material. Having drenched the second year's robes again, she turned her wand on her experimentally.
"Siccus Aerous." The tip of her wand traced the two small clockwise circles along the length she wanted to dry, Lex's robes. Her spell had a bit more power to it than the younger girl's, probably due to practice, so there was even less water left over now.
Did Alice want to get wet? No. No, she didn't.
"Aguamenti." At least Lex wouldn't have to bathe for a while.
Alexa had begun to notice a pattern. Whenever they had homework that required spell casting, she was usually taken for the target. Honestly, you'd never see her being able to cast at her Captain. Alice might have given up her position as Beater but Lex didn't doubt she still knew perfectly well how to use her beater's bat. For now she would suck it up. Water wasn't all that bad and Alice had managed to remove most all of it.
Ahem. She thought it was HER turn to cast now, but noooooo, Alice had shot another aguamenti at her. Sweet Circe.
"Cut that out."
Lex looked to her robes that were soaked again. She had to get them dry, but did it really matter? Her Captain would just drench her again until they'd gotten in enough practice.
"You're finding something else to make a target of after this." She said, eyes on her for a moment.
Again there were the two clockwise circles.
"Siccus Aerous!" Please work? Please? She'd said please. Not audibly but it still counted, yeah?
......Again she failed to remove ALL the water but her robe was getting dry, it was far less wet now. Progress.