As Karina had strategically sat with her back against the wall and her eyes towards the door, she noticed immediately when Cha walked in. She made a spectacular effort in not looking at him for more than a moment because no matter how well they worked together in the task, they were still enemies off field. That didn't stop her secretly wishing he would come over to talk to her. The Scandinavian girl looked up suddenly when her fellow Durmstranger said "No." Mischa had seemingly heard her inner thoughts and answered aloud as this was the type of response she would normally get from him. She quickly concentrated on how she would like to talk to him about the task; just in case he really was skilled in Occulmency (though she doubted it.)
Then he was walking over toward where she was sitting. ...? He must be headed towards the empty table a couple away, why would he come sit with her? Karina's eyes widened slightly, as she stared down at her plate and not at Cha obviously coming towards her table. She resisted the urge to look up as he said her name. "Cha," she said, playing it safe with her standard response. There might have been the smallest smile there, but it could be easily mistaken for some other expression; after all, why would Karina Wozniacki smile at Mischa Moller