∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe The fourth floor did not have food. The fourth floor did not have anything edible except for herself. She wasn't going to chew on her hand or anything. Els supposed she wasn't that hungry.
Also, looking for food whilst following your toad around probably wasn't the most responsible of ideas.
BUT...she hadn't yet squashed him. Which was good, right? She'd probably upset 'fessor F, if he found out the toad he'd named was all..toad guts on the fourth floor. "Caaaastor, where are you going? Home is thattaway." You know..back in the opposite direction. Did toads understand direction? The main questions was..did toads understand ANYTHING?!?
Follow. Follow. Folllllllllllow.
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