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Old 10-20-2013, 09:31 AM
Hera Hera is offline
Default The Greenhouses: Herbology Lesson Two

Herbology Lesson Two

Greenhouse Four looks much the same as it had the previous lesson. The round tables with stools were still set up in the working space, and the atmosphere in the greenhouse was positive and aromatic. Professor Bentley, dressed in forest green robes with a black fur trim is waiting at the front of the class beside the blackboard, the notes are written in her cursive writing.

There are no teapots this lesson, but there is a small basket for each student, waiting at their seat.

Lesson Progression:
Compare last lessons notes with model response - make amendments if necessary.
Brainstorm/Choose your target group/individual for the creation of your own tea blend. List/identify their attributes/qualities.
Identify herbs that match/fit your attributes/qualities.
Activity: Gather your herbs and start drying them!
You may be dismissed!
OOC: THE LESSON HAS STARTED. Please make sure you have posted your character at the Greenhouse Payment Center at least ONCE this term to be able to post in lessons THANK YOU. If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment.