SPOILER!!: Manly Wizard
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Wheaty. Yeah. This was sticking, even if it was a horrible way of trying to do some of that trash talk nonsense. As for wizard boy... "I can be a man..." Pause. "... Wheaty." And then he burst out laughing. Why this was so funny, he didn't really know. Maybe it had a lot to do with the fact that these two shouldn't really go against each other. It just... wasn't natural.
As for her surnaming him... he let out another chuckle and shook his head. Sure! They could be on surname basis for the remainder of this lesson. A bit of healthy banter didn't hurt anyone, right? Yeah? Awesome.
As for the giggling, that had been a little distracting before which only made him wonder whether this was some sort of tactic of hers. It would be a good one. Alec furrowed his brows a little and concentrated on the purple light that had come out from his wand and wrapped itself around the cake. ... And she had cast the spell at the same time, right? Yeah? GOOD! ... Except... now she was pulling the cake towards her! Trying to channel as much strength as he could, the boy started pulling back. Come oooooon, cake! Tug tug!
So he was pulling the cake against her. This was amusing, she wasn't sure why and concentration was well.. harder than she wanted it to be, but Minerva didn't give up. She tried to stay focused, but it was tempting to let go and see her brother get a face full of chocolate cake, well she guessed for as short as she was to him it wouldn't be a face it would be his robes, but still funny.
Was he still calling her Wheaty? She couldn't help but laugh at this.. Wheaty well Wheaty was about to kick some manly Wizard behind.
She pulled with some force, but not all at the moment,
"Really Summers you think a weak seeker boy could win in a tug of war match against a beater? I use a bat hitting a heavy bludger. You fly around chasing a light little snitch." Laughing before she could even get the words out Minerva continued to pull on her purple rope that was around the cake. She would have the cake it would be hers.