Thread: The Mirror
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Old 10-17-2013, 07:15 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cairo Gunter
Fifth Year
| Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes

SPOILER!!: Minerva
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

“Don’t worry, I would never lie to you, plus if I did you know me well enough I can’t lie ever. I’m to blunt for that.” Which she really was it had gotten her into trouble a few times, even with Ari’s own boyfriend. Glancing back at the mirror Minerva shrugged, “Yeah I think it’s charmed as well. It’s just in an odd place, but most of the things around here don’t make sense if you really think about them.” So she never did.

Chuckling Min listened to her say nothing was wrong with the library. She hadn’t even remembered if Ari had ever said she was there before, but she assumed the girl would have been in the seven years they had been going to school. Blue eyes looked up blinking at her friend, she had been there quite a bit, well good for you Ariana Logan. “I’m glad, it’s getting way to close to the end here for us. We have to get as much studying in and preparation as we can. “ Now with the competition on top of all that Minerva was starting to stress a bit.

She then looked at Ari a little more curious, “You have thought about after Hogwarts, right? Like what are you thinking about doing and where are you going?” She hoped it would be somewhere close to where Min was going, she didn’t want her best friend that far away. Smiling she was happy Ari wanted to go with her. She wouldn’t mind the company and a possible study partner. Pulling at her shoulder bag, Min started walking, “So how’s quidditch going for you? Excited for your first match?” She didn’t press the break question since it was obvious Ariana had ignored it. She would talk when she wanted to.

it was true, min would never lie to her and if she did ariana would see right through it thankfully. One of the joys of knowing someone for so long, really. She looked back at her friend, then the mirror before letting out a sign "it's weird though, nothing ever moves in there or anything, it's always the same." and that was weird that things in a charmed mirror didn't move here at Hogwarts, and it puzzled the slytherin.

" ugh don't remind me of the end." she didn't want to grow up, she didn't want to go to Uni, she didn't want to not play quidditch, she didn't want to not be able to sleep at night cause Hudson was in her bed doing homework. could she just stay here forever? she thought again of LCF and her chances of getting in, it was slim but she actually did ok on those muggle tests, that's to her mum and some concentration potions so she actually studied for them. not that she really remembered half the stuff now, she took the tests over summer which was ages ago really.

"After?" yes, she totally had actually. " not really." heh. Tossing her black hair over her shoulder she turned to her friend and linked her arm in hers "library." yup that's where she wanted to go right. " i'll figure it out eventually." that seemed totally Ariana, yeah?

Ohhh, Quidditch, she could talk quidditch, yeah. " Quidditch is great actually, west is doing practice since, well i dont know where Derry is but, anyway that's happening." where ever Derry ferry was she needed to get back they had a game to win. " i might be playing in our first match actually." yup she MIGHT, a slight might but a might none the less. only sucked that oakey wouldn't be there to watch, if she got to. he never did get to see her play.
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