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Old 10-15-2013, 03:53 AM   #43 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Stiffi Scholz
Second Year
Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey

SPOILER!!: Kalla
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post

Someone was talking to her?

Kalla looked up and deadpanned. She didn't know this girl's name off the top of her head. What had Mo called her? Something with a T? She would call her blonde. Merlin she had a mop of blonde curls didn't she?

And she barely disguised the horror of being asked if Blondie could join her. She was going to have to socialize? Where was her inhaler? Oh right... she didn't have one. WHEEZE.

Kalla opened her mouth to speak, but ended up merely nodding as she pulled her hands away from the fire... and then sat on them. "Thanks. You're not terrible." At quidditch. She had NO idea how she was as a person. She would save that judgement for later. Mhm.

"What is that Prefect's name again? The Beater?" Kalla was TERRIBLE with names. Like all the time. It was a curse. And yeah maybe she would write his name DOWN somewhere. Then she's never forget it? No she'd forget and she'd lost the piece of paper she wrote it on. Whatever.

Tay eyed her and was about to ask if she was okay when she began to speak. Taylor gave a slight smile, "Thanks..." Taylor tilted her head, "Ummmm... oh... you mean Nigel?" She fiddled with one of her curls and watched her. "With the way you two were going after each other, I would have thought you knew each other and were mortal enemies or something." Tay giggled and smiled, "I dont think we officially met yet... I'm Taylor but almost everyone calls me Tay... you are... Kalla... right? I think that is what Mo said anyways..." She blushed, "Because you aint Sophie... Im sure on that since I met Sophie..." She nodded and then laughed, looking at her and realizing that she needs to shut up so Taylor grew silent again.
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