Sneaking periodic little looks over at her boyfriend, Alice moved on to adding the coconut oil, stirring the mixture once in a clockwise direction after each set of five drops. She paused momentarily to cross another step off with her quill before reading the following one. Protective gear? Why was that necessary? Either way, she complied with the text's orders, donning gloves, an apron, and a pair of goggles before continuing.
A dollop of Vaseline. The sixth year wasn't quite sure what Vaseline
was, but she'd grabbed the container labelled as it. A gloved finger stretched into the petroleum jelly, capturing a dollop that she successfully flicked into her cauldron. Next, Alice let exactly seven drops of Lanolin trickle into her cauldron, turning the wooden spoon thrice in a clockwise motion.
Mixing in the wood grease preceded grinding the yellow moonstone, so she was quick to grab a mortar and pestle. How much did the book say, two tablespoons? She dropped the ingredient into the apothecary grinder, then began crushing it. Once she had finished, Alice peeked at the procedure again, making sure to add the moonstone in a circular motion. The Vitamin E capsule? She dropped that in the center, just how she was meant to do.
And then she stole another glance at West. Hi West. She got to stare at him for six whole minutes now. Book said so.