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Tobias, being Tobias, smiled when Cutty started to laugh. He liked to make people smile, after all. Even when the boy spoke, Tobias kept on smiling. It wasn't his usual grin, but he was still happy that the other boy was happy, and of COURSE, Tobias was always ready to help.
"That's okay! A lot of people don't like talking to plants and stuff, 'cause I mean they aren't really sentient, you know? But they... are? But not. I think they just... sense stuff. Like how people can sense emotions," Toby half-explained, looking back at the shrub he'd been talking to. It was difficult to explain how he believed the plants were sort of semi-sentient, and given the way this boy had laughed, maybe it was a bit much to try and explain straight away.
Anyway, yes... the plants.
Toby took half a step back again, ready to focus on the plants and get all down on their level, and looked thoughtfully around the greenhouse. "You could always help clean the place?" he suggested, before he caught sight of a nearby flutterby bush. "Or you could help me trim and prune away some of the dead parts of these shrubs? Or water some of the ones I missed?"
With that, Tobias got down onto his knees again and sort of gently ran his fingers over some of the leaves on the wiggenbush again, communicating that he was still here. "It's a shame about the dung... it always helps to have some. But unless you happen to know a dragon nearby that's been on a high-fibre diet..."
Best get on with the plant stuff.
I guess I'll trim and prune." The boy said trying to sound as if it were the only thing he could do, but coming across a bit too eager to handle shears and give the plants terrible haircuts. The boy rummaged through his bag immediately seeking out a pair of shears, anything that would cut really. Tail-twig trimmers. Those would have to do since Cutty doubted there would be any in the storage space. They gleamed against the light, reflecting it upwards as Cutty flexed them open and shut twice to try out their ease.
He hopped over to a nearby shrub and, unsure of what to cut made an ill-informed decision to snip a blossom off. Wouldn't Professor Bentley like a bouquet showing the fruits of their labour?
He ceased about to make his second snip to reflect on Tobias's remark about the dragon dung. "
That's dizgoostin!" He huffed which was followed by another snip, this time getting a dying leaf he thought looked cool. He had to be kidding, however. For the the things this kid handled in his lifetime thus far. He had to be kidding.