Thread: The Grandstands
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Old 10-11-2013, 05:47 PM   #113 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
Cutty's angry little eyes were beginning to turn into a less angry and more intensely interested pair as he watched the ludicrously acronymed quiz bowl match. That was until a large, presumably older student approached him.

It was female. Of course. Why the hell would it be anything else? It gave Cutty the distinct impression that Hogwarts had privately taken aside each of it's witch students and made extra-special sure that they were certifiably mental before they were allowed to come to Hogwarts. The only exception to this, thus far had felt like it'd be Somerlad, but maybe she was the sort that reserved her best quality crazy for when she was crossed.

He looked up at her through the space where his eyes weren't covered, but then she'd taken a seat ENTIRELY TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT and started watching the game. Cutty didn't look at her. He was too busy trying to find a way to make it look like an accident when she fell off the grandstands. If only he hadn't chosen to sit close to some adults who might try to stop him. Some of them might be distracted, but would all of them ever be at the same time? Finally, he turned back to the older girl and spoke. "This isn't your seat! It's mine! Your seats over there, you fat Tebo!" He said pointing down the dirty ground.
Uh no. Just no.

Kalla turned slowly to look at the tiny boy a not so nice smile stretching across her lips. "Did you just call me fat?" Because she was fairly certain the last boy who had called her fat had spoken with a permanent lisp still to this day...


And yeah. NO. She was not too concerned with the tiny person. Well he wasn't TINY. Just much smaller than her. She could take him with a flick of her wand. Easily. So there, there, little person. Calm yourself.
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