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Old 10-10-2013, 02:07 AM   #23 (permalink)
Andrew Wombley
St. Mungo's Healer
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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What was Vilhelm doing?

"I don't zhink this is the zime to lie about." Regina's look was a touch surprised. It was muddy and gross down there. He was going to ruin his clothing. Yes, even at a time like this, she cared about that sort of thing.

Back to the puzzle, though; how confusing. Her mind drifted towards different forms of Divination that might have used stones. Lithomancy, Ornithomancy; kinda. It was so cryptic. Of course, it couldn't be that. They didn't have any stones with them to work with; or runes for that matter.

Wait. Not runes in the conventional sense...

Maybe they were meant to actually draw the runes on the ground? That would make sense as far as the 'Spread your fate on the ground' part went; the second, too. "Draw your stones not with greed." It was a long shot. So totally long and entailed a lot of work.

"I zhink ve're meant to draw zhe runes on the ground and do something with zhem." Regina didn't know what yet. Perhaps Vilhelm would know because her brain HURT. So bad.

To show conviction in her thinking, she went ahead and starting drawing the runes out. If it worked, it worked. If it didn't...Well, they tried.
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