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Old 10-09-2013, 04:04 PM   #21 (permalink)
Andrew Wombley
St. Mungo's Healer
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...And the Divination aspect of the task rears it's ugly head.

Regina read the clue several times, trying to decide how to interpret it. 'Wyrd' meant 'Fate' basically, so that was telling in that respect. Spread your 'fate' on the heath. 'Heath' could have meant many things but she was going to assume the definition 'open uncultivated land' given the situation.

"Spread your fate on zhe ground?" Her tone was low and thoughtful. The next line mentioned 'Draw'. Did that mean they were to actually draw something on the ground in front of the plaque?

"What do you zhink?" She asked her partner, still thoughtful.

Last edited by Andrew Wombley; 10-09-2013 at 07:26 PM.
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