Ancient Runes HW #1 Post 3 Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd
Now Kace had to think of another spell to use. It was on the tip of his tongue. He remembered his mother using it to like block the dust off his bed. Well not block but shield it....he was snapping his fingers and then repel came to mind. It clicked! It was Impervius! He heard Tobias use it.
He smiled and was glad he thought of it. Well he got this statue well cleaned with the help of Scourgify. He pointed his wand at the statue and said, "Impervious!" and then nothing happened.....
Maybe he said it wrong? He nodded and thought that could be it. He shrugged and tried it again. He pointed his wand at the statue of armor and said, "Imper-vi-us!" and then it worked! He was smiling and standing there proud of himself. Now onto scrubbing it's feet and the floor around it.
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