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Old 10-08-2013, 06:16 AM   #13 (permalink)
Andrew Wombley
St. Mungo's Healer
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Regina was chewing at her lip like it was her job. This was stressful. Maybe she'd been wrong about the lines needing to be connected, because the three most prominent runes were STILL wunjo, raidho, and dagaz. Yes, there was eihwaz, but using an 'I' among those letters didn't make sense.

W, R, D, I; Wird? That wasn't a word. Not one she was familiar with.

"Vilhelm, I zhink I was vrong. I don't zhink it'll matter about zhe lines not connecting properly. Something zells me ve still need 'dagaz'." It was just standing out BOLDLY, almost like it was a fresh rune; like it was important...

Regina stopped abruptly and blinked.

Were they pairing this with Divination? Would that be, like, right after this task?! There was a word that might have made sense if she could find just one other rune.

"Look for Jera!" Her tone was urgent, renewed with hope; she herself also doing so. Jera translated to 'Y's, right? She moved her gaze to the eihwaz rune unintentionally, pausing in the jera-search. If they couldn't find 'jera', it'd have to be 'eihwaz'. She'd made up her mind about this word. She was tired of looking. It made the most logical sense and the fifth year was willing to gamble on it. So, that was that.

Wunjo, eihwaz/jera, raidho, and dagaz.

Last edited by Andrew Wombley; 10-08-2013 at 07:06 AM.
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