HTF Mission One- Post 3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi held his wand over the roots of the Honking Daffodil seedlings. These were tiny plants so they needed a tiny amount of water. He was having a debate on whether to give them the water manually or to use magic. Didn't want to kill the plants, did he? He could just imagine a ballistic Professor Bentley when she found out wasting no time in putting him in detention. Not a pretty picture. But there was no bucket in the place. At least he could see none.
The eleven year old sighed. He'd risk the wand. Better than doing noting and the seedlings died anyway. He'd just concentrate just enough to control the water flow or he'd pass his wand really quickly over the roots. How about both?
Yeah. Both was good.
So Adi set to work. "Aguamenti!'' Ah! Look at that! Not much water escaped from his wand tip. Good! He moved his wand over the roots, but making sure the seedlings got enough water.