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Old 10-06-2013, 08:44 PM   #4 (permalink)
Andrew Wombley
St. Mungo's Healer
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Regina shot her partner a smirk. Vilhelm was there! Finally! Although, it had probably only been a few moments. "I do see them." She affirmed; her eyes still not leaving the wall stretched out before them. As she'd continued to look, other words had popped to mind.

'Word', yes, but also 'wind'; wunjo, isa, nathiz, and dagaz. How they would have helped them escaped the arena, Regina still hadn't gotten that far, yet. 'Ward'; wunjo, ansuz, raidho, and dagaz...or maybe it was supposed to be reversed. 'draw' required the same runes. She thought she might have glanced ansuz in the mixture of marks and scratches.

"I was inizially zhinking 'word' as zhe answer, zo be ironic. But now I'm zhinking zhat just because iz says 'four runes' doesn't necessarily mean it'll just be four characters." That seemed next level and something on a tier of learning that would be above normal skill level. There was a rune that looked like eihwaz and that was 'æ'. There was also one that appeared to be thurisaz and that was 'th'. Isa could've been any of the scratches on the wall. So, that would've been their vowel. Too many consonants. One always needed a vowel to be strategically placed in any and all words.

Regina quickly communicated all of this to her partner, almost animatedly. "What are you zhinking?" She reached out and touched his arm. It was unsure what for, though.
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