C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Cutty was reaching into the case and filling Charlie's pocket, but soon became frustrated that his hands couldn't quite do it fast enough for his liking. "Do you want to just purchase the whole lot of what I have on me?" Cutty silently counted as he proceeded to unload the entire cuboid into Charlie's pocket after this apparently rhetorical question. "24 Whizzbees at 2 Sickles each is 2 Galleons, 14, please."
And, what was Fern still standing around for? She was eying them unhappily. That mere expression brought joy to his heart. And he considered what other things he might be able to do to further exacerbate Fern's obvious contempt.
Cutty leaned into Charlie and didn't really whisper so much as utter audibly, "Best to be wise to that one, Tudor. She's a little obsessive." He held his hand out palm up.
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