"Self-correcting quill, fragrance quill....."
Beezus needed new quills. Self-correcting quills were essentially handy dandy for speed note-taking during classes and she must say, her recent one had been
abused already. She also needed a fragrance quill because she'd been using that kind to write her letters. They did have the vanilla flavor here, right?
So Beezus had taken this opportunity to go to Hogsmeade that Saturday morning to purchase what she needed. And where else could she get those stuffs other than in Scrivenshaft's?
Tugging on the strap of her shoulder bag now that it was against her right hip, the brunette stepped inside the shop and immediately grinned when she saw the cats. One fluffy brown cat pawed past her and she couldn't help but crouch down to pet it,
"Here kitty, kitty..."
It still just walked past her. Hmm, no care in the world kitty?
Beezus chuckled and straightened up and saw her co-Prefect,
"Oh. Hi Nigel!" Wave, wave.