Originally Posted by
Meizzner This guy did not bother to catch the veiled sarcasm Nigel put into the 'right' answer. Probably distracted. Nigel was now beginning to think this guy was getting more from this conversation then Nigel was. Though Nigel did learn two things. One. He was from Durmstrang and two he had a weird interest in Ravenclaws.
That smile did seem a little bit sinister or forced. Yeah lets go with forced. Another thing was this guy was starting to remind Nigel of Dylan for obvious reasons.
Right back to the weird question. "Sarcastic, talk in metaphors, and mostly everyone likes to read and are creative" They were also first in fun. But that is not something you say to strange foreign students.
Now that Mischa had found out this boy was indeed from Ravenclaw House, he was much more interested in having a conversation. But of course, he remained in control and not let his interest show. Though the boy would have already picked up on his interest in Ravenclaw. But that could not be helped.
"Good, good,'' Mischa muttered almost to himself. Reading was not bad. But he could handle sarcasm even if it didn't seem so. He usually ignored sarcasm. He found it useless. He looked past the boy as another person entered the shop. Regina. He nodded towards her. Obviously she was also looking for particular Hogwartians.
Wondering if she had any luck so far, Mischa directed his attention back to the Ravenclaw boy.
"Vhat is Hogwarts like?'' Not that he cared. Durmstrang was the best School. Let anyone challenge that. But knowledge was power and Mischa was always in search of knowledge.