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Joćo smirked and was about to make a witty comeback when she got up. It didn't need a Hermione Granger to know she was going to get another--
--bottle. Right.
And he was going to pay for it.
"I'm not the--" he started, but changed his mind. If she just assumed he could afford it, he was going to. Grudgingly. But he wasn't going to mention money, not to her. She might question his reasons too, and he wasn't quite ready for another interrogation.
"Of course I'll pay," he said with another sweet smile. Sure. He was the rich kid.
He reached for the bottle and her glass. He kept his hand around the bottle as if it was his most precious belonging, and emptied the glass. It wasn't to teach her a lesson this time, though. He needed courage, and firewhiskey should give him that. If she tried to reach the bottle, he was placing it down the table. Agreed?
"Permanently, yes. It's been 3,5 years, Louisa," he said, once his throat burnt less. "The course was for 4 years anyway. It's not that hard, especially if you have a mother like mine." He smirked. She might be muggle, but that was hardly a problem for her. She could still meet the correct people.
"But do you like it there?" Last time they'd talked... she was sharing a room with a boy.
Considering that Paulie assured her that Joao never means to hurt Louisa or jab at her with his comments, Louisa let the "of course I'll pay" slide. It was one of Joao's favorite things, anyways; To pay for a lady. So. She saw nothing that indicated he changed in that matter. Yet. Who knew what his girlfriend implanted in his head?
She let him have those and leaned forward on the table. Her hand going for the chocolate again. "
Three and a half years, huh? Time flies by so quickly. It makes sense then." To come here where his friends and girlfriend resided after finishing his commitments in Brazil. "
And what are you going to do now? Work? Do you have a flat? Did you talk to your dad?" She knew his family's history, okay? No need to dodge or feel embarrassed, they were beyond that.
How did she like it there? Ah. Louisa leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, "
I'm very happy there, thank you. The good thing about living in a far off place is that you can have all the time to think things over without distractions or emotional pressure from your family and friends. The downside of living there is feeling homesick and sometimes lonely." Especially if you have a flatmate who teaches his puppy to pee in your bed if you leave the room's door open. "
But this is what I want. Nothing is perfect, and nothing worthy comes easily." So.