Thread: HoM Lesson One
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Old 10-01-2013, 03:25 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

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urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

History of Magic!

The boy was looking forward to this class somewhat. There was a new professor in and new professors were quite interesting, even if some ended up being weird. And others ended up having great hair. And the History professor from last term was a little... odd, even if he had complimented the boy that one time on his question. At least he had managed to teach them at the end of the day?

But Vinteren wasn't here and curiosity about the new professor peaked. Alec headed into the room and took a look around. Nothing... out of the ordinary? That was probably a good thing. Another good thing was that this lesson was in the afternoon, which meant that a healthy lunch had been had. You know, if BLT sandwiches were considered healthy.

It was then that his eyes landed on the Professor and-- ... BLINK. Was the man not wearing any shoes? Really? "Erm... hello Professor," he said, smiling a little and giving the man a nod before heading off towards an empty seat near the middle of the classroom. ... Nametag? Yeah? Okay. ... Scribble... scribble... scribble...

Name: Alec B. Summers
Year: Sixth
House: Hufflepuff
There. Done. As for the shoes... why not? He took them off, along with his socks. This... was an interesting way to start off the lesson.
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