Thread: HoM Lesson One
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Old 10-01-2013, 03:25 AM
Uncle Moose Uncle Moose is offline
quill HoM Lesson One

You enter into the History of Magic Classroom to find that it set up just like a standard classroom. Desks are set up in rows, but the ones that are closest to the window are faced curved slightly so that turning your neck to stare outside and daydream would cause serious stiffness in the neck later on. Professor Dursley likes to have your full attention. Sitting on each of the desks is a note card. On the top right corner simple instructions are written to write your name, house, and year. Once you do so the note card will stick to that desk. You are expected to be in that seat all term.

Overhead are lamps with the lights shinning brightly, some extra incentive again to make sure you are are going to stay focused and not doze off. Surely you hadn't taken his words seriously about developing insomnia and had gotten a good nights sleep instead. This was after all an afternoon class. Any excuse to be tired will be brushed off as just that, an excuse.

At the very front of the class, is a blackboard, and a pull-down screen.

Professor Dursley is at the Front sitting at his desk feet propped up on it. All dressed up as properly as he could minus some shoes. He'd normally wear his sandals, but today was a no shoes day. In fact, as you enter you'll notice the blackboard has some instructions. Take your shoes off, socks too. If you want Enjoy the free feeling of wiggling those toes. Class will start soon so get comfy. Sitting on his lap was a book about Animagus Transformations...for dummies... some light reading while everyone came in.

OOC: I opened a tad early. settle in, say hello, converse with each other, I'll begin class tomorrow afternoon. (around 3pm EST...also early than stated previously) Remember to follow class rules, and not to post arriving late after I begin.