Thread: The Hog's Head
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Old 09-30-2013, 11:28 PM   #22 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"Thank you!" Big smiles for the ogre. Ella didn't waste any time taking a big sip, savoring the taste. Butterbeer really was the best.

Why did he always have to do that, huh? Ella rolled her eyes at him because he was being so ogre-y again. She'd take the concerned brother act over this, y'know. At least that guy was easier to read. "I hadn't jumped to that conclusion, actually." Smirk. See what she did there? ... ... Wait, what? "Really?!" GRIN. "That's brilliant, Edric." The blonde was happy for him.

Noting that Edric hadn't asked how Alec was, the blonde bit her lip and tried not to frown. She really wanted him to like Alec and so far, she wasn't so sure he did. "Don't you want to know how Alec is?"
"No problem."

Edric, ever so sweet, merely rolled his eyes at Ella's excitement. Alright alright, it wasn't THAT big of a deal. He and Evs were old enough, moving in together seemed like a logical idea. Or at least that's the way Edric saw it.

The boy nodded his head as Ella approved of the plan and distracted himself with bringing the girl's old letter to the flame of the candle sitting on the table. He usually kept Ella's letters to him, but he was definitely not going to keep this one. He turned his gaze away from the fire as Ella spoke again, this time asking if he wanted to know about Alec.

Edric returned to his blunt and less mysterious ways: "Not really, no." The letter had caught fire and eventually became nothing more than ashes on the surface of the table. Edric remained silent for a moment before asking, "Alright, how is he?" He figured he should make an effort if he didn't want Ella hating him and pulling more clever pranks on him.

— the sun & the moon
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