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Old 09-24-2013, 05:12 AM   #37 (permalink)
HaRoHeGiNeLu's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Valerie Warren
First Year
Satisfied Neon

Originally Posted by Colley View Post
Ugh. Why was it such a hard choice? Why were all of the pieces so perfect looking? Such hard decisions. Was this some kind of tasty metaphor for life? Cat was pondering on all the things when she heard her name. Glancing up, Cat grinned at the boy. "Hi Aidan." Hello. Hopefully she hadn't been ignoring him while looking longingly at the fudge.

"I just made some vanilla raspberry swirl fudge." The elves had been excitable and eager to help, but she mostly did it herself. "Want some?" She would share. She was good at sharing. Cat patted the spot next to her, offering him a seat in her corridor.
Vanilla. Raspberry. Swirl. Fudge.

Was the 'fudge' part implied chocolate? Because fudge just wasn't fudge without chocolate. Sweets weren't sweets without chocolate. He was best friends with Alexa Cambridge. He knew this stuff.

Still, he obeyed her patting. He leaned his back against the wall and slid down it, "Definitely." He reached into her container and took two pieces. Two. Aidan was hungrier than that whole container, so he was practicing great restraint. He didn't want to scarf down all her hard work right away. Besides, they were probably for Mo and he might be given extra laps or something for eating his captain's girlfriend!fudge.

He popped one piece in his mouth whole. "'s good. Thanks." He gave her the best smile he could with his mouth full.
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