The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Olly simply nodded in reply to the girl's Apology. Really, what else was she supposed to say? Yeah? You're right? It had been her fault for phrasing the question weirdly in the first place so there. Plus, Olly REALLY didn't want to prolong this conversatioN any more. Actually, she hadn't wanted to HAVE this conversation in the first place so whatever. Not saying anything was probably a good way to END it, yeah? It was definitely a start. UGH! Okay, so the giRl was STILL there. And STILL talking. Brilliant.
Sighing Olly glanced back over her shoulder again as if she needed to consider the girl's question before answering. Which she didn't. She just wanted to Make the girl wait a little. For absolutely no reason at all. Just because. "Yeah." She finally said, her eyes on the girl again. "That's what I hEard too." About the leaving. Though, something the girl haD said caught her attention. "D'you know when the first Hogsmeade weekend is?" Since they were talking and all, she could just find out something for herself too. So thAt this conversation wasn't a total waste and all.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 09-18-2013 at 02:03 PM.