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During her brief moment of light nerves, her auto-pilot mode had plopped her into a seat within earshot of the boy she'd just greeted. It was a better spot than she would've consciously picked for herself really. Near enough to chat and see, but far enough to not seem too...invasive. She could see so well in fact, that she was almost upset with her subconscious for setting her there. She almost thought she had imagined his return greeting, but blinked once or twice and realized she hadn't. Did he just say 'liza? she remarked to herself. Pretty sure he did. She didn't think anyone had ever called her that before, but maybe they had and she just hadn't noticed. But for whatever reason, she noticed now.
She also noticed the blot of dark ink on his lips and she quickly darted her eyes away from them. I should tell him though, shouldn't I? It seemed the decent thing to do. She doubted he'd even mind much, just going from how she'd seen him act in school, but then again...she'd want someone to tell her if she were in that spot. She smiled back at him, so that he wouldn't think she had ignored him, or that she'd gone deaf over the summer or something. Then she swallowed lightly, once, and found her voice. "You've eh...you've got just a little ink there, on your lip. From your quill," she explained in a soft even voice, low enough that the others would't hear, but loud enough that she didn't seem like a loon for whispering to him. After she'd said it though, she gave a mental eye-roll to her own words. Obviously the ink was from his quill, Eliza. Where else? Oi. She kept a smooth face though, despite her growing urge to furrow her brows and skew her mouth at herself.
"Oh yeah?" He licked his lip again and then nodded as if in confirmation.
"I wondered what was so tangy." The ink, clearly. Tangy lips thanks to ink. Oh well. It'd come off eventually right? He examined the nib of his quill though, it being a self-inking one and all, just to make sure it wasn't leaking or anything, but nope, seemed alright to him.
"Are you doing the puzzle as well?" Or well, was she going to? Since she'd just arrived. He was right in the middle of it himself. And actually what he needed was a textbook to check on some of the answers that he wasn't finding in the puzzle. He knew what they were it was just finding the right word that Botros used essentially. And spelling, that too.