Forgot to post at the turnstiles, i do it later ^_^
Ha, she even wasn't surprised that Forrest wasn't okay and didn't wanted her help, and if she was honest, she didn't wanted to help him or to give him a hand, he was dirty because he was a muggleborn, and muggleborns were dirty and they were stupid in general, so she had HOPED that he would refuse to take her hand, and.... She was lucky! She did a step away from him and looked in another direction, away from Forrest and deeper inside the restricted library. The library there looked darker and because of that it looked mysterious! She liked that...
With a sneaky look in her eyes she turned back to Forrest and folded her arms. "You can't go back Forrest... because... If you're going to do that i WILL tell everybody that i have saw YOU enter the restricted library all alone and that i was also curious and only wanted to see what you were doing here, so if you are going to tell anybody about me, i will get you also in trouble!" The third year old pointed with her finger at the boy and while she did that she smiled her best innocence smile at him. "So... If your are a smart boy, and i'm sure that you can think a little for yourself, even now that you are a mud... A mugglebron than you are smart enough to help yourself and come with me! And if you're a good boy and listen to me, than i even will help you to search for a book YOU want to read!" She spoke to him as if she was talking to a little child and she liked it to do it, just to make him feel uneasy and to be in control of the situation.
Oh, what was she smart!!!
Last edited by Sonea; 09-10-2013 at 08:39 AM.