Sarah watched as her leaned closer, internilising how polite he was. Usually she would have raised her voice, yet for some odd reason she was feeling a bit shy. She hardly ever felt shy, unless she was with Mo. Mo she learnt to avoid though. Then he smiled, her stomach trilled. "
Any reasons for it being your name?" Maybe she should explain,
"my parents named me Sarah as after six sons I was the princess of the family, Also my mom has this thing in giving traditional names, the whole side of her family is like that. Also, I think there was an ansector named Sarah. Also, the main character of my mom's favourite book, which has beccome mine too, is Sarah, from the Little Princess. Sarah'h characteristics of thinking good of every situation, being positive and being ttrue to the princess within are things I try to emulate" As she talked she felt herself warming up, yet she still found her tone stilted. It was not her fault she was feeling shy
"so.. were any reasons given for your name? Arithmancy must be boring with so little letters to calculate" two less then her own for the first name, but still.
Then the first year spoke and Sarah forgot her shyness and returned to welcoming phase
Sarah nodded, "
when I was a first year, I was a bit nervous to be myself, but then I got more settled and comfortable and once I started to allow my uniquness through, I felt happier."
This girl reminded her of herself as a first year, "you aren't looking forward to the homework though?" she teased "the classes are so interesting and interactive, and quidditch is great - do you know how to fly?" Sarah would be glad to practice with the young one if neccessary. "
Making new friends is the best, when I came here the only people I knew were my brothers. Now I have built up a network- a support system. FRIENDS!"
Captain speaking. Sarah looked at Alice's pearly whites in wonder.
"What is your trick to keep them so white? For the sharpness - do you use a knife shapner? That enamal must be worth something" Sarah kidded. "I like that grin though... I love it when people smile and the lions are quite good at it" Sarah thought she ought to start a campaign or something.
"I never knew I had anaemia until I got home and my mom promptly sent me for blood tests. I should have gone to the healer earlier, yet I thought my body could tough it up and get on with it. It did finally tough up after I had iron supplements"
Then smiley firstie spoke. This girl was a ray of sunshine... just watching her interact with others made Sarah smile
Yes, these lions are very good at smiling! Sarah had an urge to pinch this ones cheeks, yet did not want to scare the kid off. "I
ts a pleasure!!! You are another bright thread on the tapestry of Gryffindors" Sarah nearly added sweety, yet decided that the five year age gap did not warrant a 'sweetie'.
"My cousin's name is Abby. Short for Abigail- I presume?" Knowing that the girl, in her utter cuteness used her nickname to introduce herself (what is a nickname for Sarah- Sa?), then the surname was probably a shortened version too. "
What is Campi short for?" Sarah asked curiously. She had once asked one of her cousin's friends for her surname, yet was told that the person in question was about to go on the run from her family and therefore did not give out her surname. Sarah wanted to hug that girl.
Then the speech started and Sarah turned her attention to the headmistress. Houseelves were back, new teachers and Hadley was not longer teaching Arithmancy, and instead was teaching muggle studies. Sarah would miss the previous professor. Then the food came and Sarah really eagerly piled her plate high. She was among friends after all. Being her housemates, they had to understand her love for food.
Turning to Abbie and the other newcomers Sarah said "
You guys like food - right? It is a sort of prerequisite as a lion that you have to like it"