Thread: Staff Table
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Old 09-08-2013, 04:42 AM   #58 (permalink)

DanialRadFAN01's Avatar
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Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

Originally Posted by hpluvr037 View Post
"Yes, it is very exciting. I haven't been back here since graduation, so moving in over in Hogsmeade has been a real treat." Almost too literally. That Honeydukes shop was definitely going to be a weakness of hers.

But back to the new colleague. "Salem. So are you an American, then?" How many 'foreigners' were on the staff? "Oh really? Well if you ever want to go for a little joy ride just let me know. I'd love to start getting to know my fellow staff members." And this woman--oh, Calista!--seemed to be the relational sort. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Calista."
"That's nice, a bit of a blast from the past though I'm sure." Callie nodded thoughtfully as she took another drink from her water goblet.

American, yes, even though she'd lived in Great Britain for so long now. "Yes, I am. Upstate New York to be exact. I moved here after I graduated and went to Wizarding University in Edinburgh and have been here ever since." So she could be counted as an honorary Brit, right? She still had the New England accent though. "A fly every now and then might be nice, thanks for the offer." Callie pat the woman on the shoulder with another smile. She liked her, a good, kind lady to try and fill Erin's shoes.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Eyebrows raised a little as she nodded and smiled, a simple and routine answer. Though she was not expecting that. That...confession...that made her heart stop in fear and body tense like a rock. Airey told her how he felt. What did that mean? That didn't mean...the thing. The thing that the blonde woman couldn't possibly know about...UNLESS AIREY TOLD HER.

"Vot?" she squeaked, hands gripping her empty plate. What what?
Having barely pulled away after whispering into the brunette's ear, Callie was a tad shocked when the woman asked her what she had just said. Honestly she had JUST TOLD HER!

"I said, Airey told me about how you all have been feeling and I think you guys shouldn't feel bad. Things like this happen sometimes." The Divination professor squeezed her friends hand in her's and gave her a caring look. It was hard to see her friends all upset over their role in giving the ice cream to the students last term, but really they had eaten it too and weren't in their right minds either.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
"Callie! I'll definitely miss this side, no doubt!" Fina gave the younger woman a sad smile. It was the truth, too. Considering her new meal partner. "But yes, we shall definitely have to catch up! It's been an exciting summer, for sure. Congrats on the new position, by the way!" Even though her badgers were more awesome, eagles weren't too bad....But then again, she was kinda in a relationship with one, so yea.

Speaking of that side of the table...
"Thanks so much! It shall be interesting really competing with you for the Cup this year." Callie giggled and waved to the Muggle Studies Professor as she headed off.

A nice get together was a must, of course. She would owl her about it in the morning. Yes, it was decided.
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Flashing a pearly-white smile at her good friend and esteemed colleague, yes, she was thrilled with her promotion. The Ravenclaw's were very lucky to have Callie's guidance, and she lucky to have a nest of bright and promising eagles. "Hey Callie!," she greeted across the table. "He's well, we're well... everything is... well," she nodded happily, "how was your summer?" she asked superficially knowing full well that conversing from opposite ends of the table would not do. There'd be time to catch up though, she'd see to it there was.
Well....that was all good news. She was so happy and a tad jealous of for Seren.

"It was good, thanks." The blonde returned a bright smile and allowed the Herbology Professor to continue talking with those closer to her.
Originally Posted by Melanie Roman View Post
Oh! Another professor nearby! Melanie politely shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Callie." Divination, eh? A subject Melanie couldn't get the hang of while she was a student, much to her frustration back then.
"It's good to meet you too Melanie." Callie nodded to the woman. She seemed nice enough, perhaps she would be able to help with her Galileo and his mood swings during winter.

She would ask her about her tropical parrot knowledge later.
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Hearing a voice to the other side of him, Pierson turned his attention to the blonde who had spoken. Divination, Calista Elwood. Good to know. He committed that to memory and nodded to her as it would have been rude to reach across his coworkers to try and shake her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Calista. Pierson Fuller. Charms." But she probably knew the title already, considering he was fairly certain they all had assigned seats here.
"Nice to meet you Peirson, Charms Professor." She smiled widely at him. He certainly was already better to have on as a colleague than Ivy. Kind (so far) and not bad to look at. But he must also be rather good at the subject since the Headmistress hired him. "Did you attend Hogwarts yourself?" She asked, genuinely interested.
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE View Post
GAH! No stop quit looking that way!She saw him pointing in her direction and was now looking at the two of them! Merlin, he felt so dumb! Tiberius lowered his head and gave Flams a nod for his responses to his question. He didn't ask about Ms. Fork Fumble Fingers, though it was good to know who she was just in case.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
If it hadn't been for Tiberius asked about Calista, Airey would still be avoiding looking in her direction. Medea's too. Only he was going to have to speak to Medea soon to plan out their first yearbook meeting. He really needed to speak to BOTH of them because the feelings that were transfusing inside him made him feel as though he were going to go supernova at any moment. And many turn into a black hole of self doubt.

Yep. Sounded about right.

But, his best mate had asked about the Divination professor, so there he was. Looking her direction and feeling like he had just moved several thousand light years closer to the sun because of it. And it was because he was already looking that he noticed the....strange behavior that Medea exhibited next. After whatever it was that that Calista had said to her.


He palms began to sweat and he fidgeted in his seat.
Callie wasn't the least bit worried that Airey was staring at her, or the other guy really to be honest. Publicity was a good thing, especially if Airey was telling him good things about her. She flicked her blue-grey eyes towards the two men once more and then turned back to her conversations with Medea and Tiara but was quickly quieted down by Annie starting the Speech.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Well it was about that time. Now that the 'second Healer' was gone from the table, Anastasia stood up to give her traditional start-of-term feast.

"Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, staff and students." She spoke loudly and crisply, her magically amplified voice echoing across the impressive Hall. "Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. I am pleased to inform you that we have had many of the repossessed items returned to us from Gringotts bank, including the majority of our furniture and supplies from the Hospital Wing, and we have also bought back our quality Hogwarts dinnerware. You'll also be pleased to hear that you no longer need to wash your own laundry and dishes, as our House Elves have also been returned to us."

She paused to give the four House tables an encouraging wolfish smile. "As you have doubtless noticed by now, we have some new staffers joining us this year, including our Groundskeeper, Mr. Cantwell; our History of Magic professor, Mr. Dursley; our Flying Instructor, Ms. Tyner; our Charms professor, Mr. Fuller; our visiting Care of Magical Creatures professor, Ms. Roman; and our visiting Arithmancy instructor, Mr. French, who couldn't make it to the feast this evening. Ms. Hadley has also moved subjects, from Arithmancy to Muggle Studies, and Ms. Elwood has stepped up as our Ravenclaw Head of House. Congratulations to all... Please give them a warm Hogwarts welcome and a round of applause." She paused again to allow for the applause.

"Now this year, we are going to place a renewed focus on academics, as that IS the reason we are all here today and the reason Hogwarts has stood strong for over 1,000 years. I expect you all to work hard and play hard and fair, and to be good examples and leaders for everyone you might encounter this year." Take that as they would. "With that, please enjoy the feast our OWN house elves have lovingly prepared, and good luck in your classes starting tomorrow."

Annie sat down with a sigh of contentment and watched as the steaming hot plates and bowls of food appeared all at once. Ah, now this was what a feast was supposed to be like.
There is was folks, oh and she got a shout-out as well. BONUS! The blonde clapped at the mention of each new Staff member and for Fina's move to the Muggle side. She also had to suppress the feeling to WHOOP at the mention of the House Elves being back and was sure that the rest of the school felt the same way. A whole term of cooking for yourself or eating the horrible stuff Toddles came up with.

But speaking of was here. Elwood's eyes scanned the few dishes placed in front of her chair and noticed the potatoes placed dead center of Medea's chair. "Excuuuuuuse me, there Medea." She said as she reached over and plopped a large portion of the buttery-spuds onto her silvery plate.

And let the good meals begin!

Once she loaded up the ole food tank she would head down to see her new Eagles.

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
So, after the speech was over, Wade felt now was the perfect time to get his gift ready. So afterward, he got his box of gifts, holding it to his side while walking over to the Staff Table. Well, this is different. Since well, he never before had to address the whole staff at once, especially at the beginning of the year. This wasn't stopping him though, as he now stood before them. Oh, and hello there Lexi Pexi. He grinned and nodded a little at her while waiting as she had her say.

"Hello.. That was a lovely speech." Wade kept his best smile at them all, "Erm.. I first wanted to just say hello and a big congratulations to the new Professors and new positions happening." Hopefully that covered everyone, as he looked at them individually while speaking."and well, I really appreciate you Professor Bunbury and Professor Hadley for choosing me to serve as Head Boy this term. Thanks so much." Now was the time for the ahem, gift. The box of gifts was pretty large, so he had to bend down to open it revealing-"So, I got these delicious pickles as an extra thank you." Holding one of the many jars before setting it down on the table one by one passing them to everyone. "I hope you all like them, they're large, fresh, thick, juicy, and great for snacking and meal times. Oh, and very nutritious too!" Wade continued beaming. They were special to Wade, these pickles, having got them himself and he just loved sharing his pickles. He then waited their reaction. I hope they like it. Whether they decide to taste them now or save for later.
The Ravenclaw Head of House was in mid-bite when a student, one who had just introduced himself as Head Boy came up to the Staff table. Oh and he had gifts?

Callie chewed her rather large bite as he talked and began to hand them their jars...of PICKLES! The blonde looked at him for a moment trying to read his body language. Was he serious or was this some kind of joke. Elwood loved pickles and wanted this to be for real. She quietly gave him her thanks with and tapped her wand onto her jar and sent it promptly to her office to have one for a snack later.

Last edited by DanialRadFAN01; 09-08-2013 at 04:50 AM. Reason: B/c someone brought pickles...
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