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"Now this year, we are going to place a renewed focus on academics, as that IS the reason we are all here today and the reason Hogwarts has stood strong for over 1,000 years. I expect you all to work hard and play hard and fair, and to be good examples and leaders for everyone you might encounter this year." Take that as they would. "With that, please enjoy the feast our OWN house elves have lovingly prepared, and good luck in your classes starting tomorrow."
Lex hadn't been listening to the speech, not really. It was a habit to ignore everything until something in particular jumped out at her. In this particular speech she heard stuff that she liked, expected with all the good news and she would have been bouncing were it not for certain things.
She would have been content to sit at her seat, wait for the feast to be over then go up to her Common Room and sleep until the term ended but then she heard THAT! The renewed focus on academics and believe it or not, she'd hopped out of her seat clapping like a maniac. Was no one with her? No? That was fine. The Fourth Year marched up to the staff dais and stopped directly infront of the Headmistress, giving everyone around her a polite 'good evening' before BEAMING at the woman
who probably hadn't even started eating. Whoops? Sorry not sorry.
"That was a FANTASTIC speech Headmistress! You had me with every word." Okay, no, not really, but shhh.
"The focus on academics, I couldn't agree MORE! Priorities, we need them and magic should be at the forefront!" Alongside candy but saying that would make her sound less legit.
"I think we can get in a lot more learning this year. The thing is, we spend FAR too much time on trivial things," that end up blowing up in your face in the luggage compartment of trains,
"and lost sight of the REALLY important things." Learning! Magic! Books! CANDY!
No crushes.
Best thing she'd heard all evening. Perfectly in line with her's and Lottie's PRIORITIES, which they had you know, the priorities, they were legit and the Headmistress just cemented them. Could she shake her hand????