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Old 09-03-2013, 11:22 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs View Post
SPOILER!!: Benzi & Cutty

No one had informed Fern that she was going to have to separate from Tallulah. It didn't make sense; her cousin might have just turned fifteen, but this was still Tallulah's first year at Hogwarts, so didn't that mean she should be a first year too? And so now, here was Fern, about to get in some dingy old boat while Tallulah was probably all nice and cozy in the carriages. And not even normal carriages at that; no, these ones appeared horseless, but Fern had seen the scuff marks on the ground. Thestrals. What she would have given to just pet one Thestral!

The 11-year-old stomped over to the boats, grumbling to herself, and chose one at random. Then she climbed in.

Or at least, that had been the plan.

But someone had caused the boat to start rocking, and when Fern's foot made contact with the unsteady wood, she lost her balance and ended up smacking her head against the side.

"OW!" Rubbing her forehead - there was going to be a bruise for sure, and Fern could just tell it was going to be so black and blue that not even her bangs could conceal it - she looked for who to blame.

It was obvious. The one with the wet sleeve; he had splashed himself when he'd jumped in and disturbed the boat. And now he was giving some innocent boy a hard time. "Hey, you big eared bully! Haven't you ever been in a boat before?!"
Oh, yes indeeeed there would be time for that later.

Cutty reached up to cover his ears and was about to be all offended, but he'd realized the source of the remark and decided to turn the tables. The little girl bit it as she entered into the boat. K'HA!!! Absolutely nothing she said was going to distract him from ...

The wet sleeve of his dominant hand swept out towards her, flinging water with the motion and pointed. "When he told us to hurry he meant get in the boat, not hurry up and hit your head!" He jeered. The rest of the time was spent laughing in his seat at the ridiculous girl.
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