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Old 09-03-2013, 06:13 AM   #110 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
So, she might have been just the tiniest bit rusty in the come back department. But, of course, just like everything else that had happened to her so far that day, it wasn't her fault. When was the last time she had even seen Michael? When was the last time she needed to come up with a really good come back!? The last time she saw Michael, that's when, and she had no idea when that even was. Rhodes once again rolled her eyes at him before moving over just a little bit as he.. threw a few Ice Mice in her direction. Sure, she'd take them, which is what she did. But she wasn't going to eat them. At least.. not in front of him she wasn't. So into her pocket they went. And there was no thank yous either.

"Just because you haven't seen me since the beginning of term, doesn't mean I wasn't around for the rest of it." And since it was quite obvious that she hadn't been eaten by the Giant Squid, like she would get anywhere near the thing for that to happen anyway, she simply ignored that comment altogether. Pfft.

At least they were having an almost normal conversation. Normal being that they were talking about things she was interested in. Even if it was just a little bit. And almost normal being the fact that Michael was eating Pepper Imps and the compartment was not really filling up with smoke that was coming out of his ears. And nose. It was gross. Rhodes covered her mouth with her hands before sliding down even further on the bench, so she didn't accidentally inhale the fumes of Stinky Toussaint. She may have even coughed a little. But she wasn't leaving the compartment. "That sounds fun, I guess." Cough, cough, coughcoughcough. "I went to Greece!" Her hands come off of her mouth and she sat up in her seat, no longer worried about the Stinky Toussaint fumes she was inhaling by doing so. This was important. She needed to be close.

"And while I was there, I heard this joke! Do you wanna hear it!?" He did. She knew he did!

There had been no doubt in his mind that Rhodes would take the Ice Mice he had thrown her way, he had also known that she wasn't about to thank him for them either. His gaze followed the sweets into her pocket and a tiny smirk appeared on his lips as he turned to look out the window. If she wanted to starve herself because she didn't want him to see her eating the treats that he had given her then that was her problem.

Yeah right. She had been hiding away because she had no friends. "Whatever." It wasn't like he cared where she had been all this time. Okay, maybe he did a little, but he would never tell her that.

The smoke from his ears and nose was starting to clear and he stopped trying to make smoke rings when she spoke again and he glanced at her to see if she was being a smart aleck with again. "Yeah it was fun." His cousins were younger than he was so they did everything he told them and Zahra had a really good imagination so he hadn't been bored at all. He did sit up straighter when she said that she went to Greece. "Did you go visit your namesake?" He had to been Greece a couple of times and he'd really enjoyed it. "What did you do there?"

When she moved closer, Michael gave her wary look. This couldn't be good, but he replied anyway. "Shoot."
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