SPOILER!!: Brodie
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He raised a brow, he had a feeling he and Min really weren’t going to be getting along. Which did kinda suck considering he’d heard from most that she was supposed to be a nice girl. Admittedly he knew he wasn’t exactly be the greatest company at the moment but she was just… ugh. "Well, at least someone’s not judging me for it." Then again, Minnie was friends with Taylor, he had to remember that, she was of course going to think Taylor was sweet and not a little brat, not that Taylor was a brat normally she just was today, she was just a little rude today. "I try to think of what others might want me to do, and if Taylor wants to be friends I don’t see how I have any right to deny her that." Think of himself? He wasn’t selfish like that, and he really had nothing, the least he could do was make sure the girl he cared about got what she wanted little as he wanted to be around her at the moment.
"At least someone helps with the money." He said plainly, "I basically have whatever I make and nothing else." So he was always less on money, he didn’t even have a freaking home to live in. He lived in a hollowed out tree with a blanket and pillow and a river to wash his few clothes in. He tried not to talk about that though, he didn’t want people’s pity he hated it when people like to think that he’s suffering just because he had so little.
“I don’t like people healing me.” He glared getting annoyed with this, “I prefer the muggle way, so just let me do that.” Brodie shook his head and growled. It annoyed him that so many people were sitting him trying to tell him he should’ve just used magic, he could do it the way he chose, and he preferred to just deal with the pain. “To me, I made a stupid mistake and it got me hurt, therefore I should just have to deal with the pain.” So please just leave me be… Alright… He was pretty sure that was all that needed to be said on that matter. He shrugged to what she said, “Then I suppose I’ll find people on my own.” Nope, he already had someone offering to help him find friends. He didn’t need this girl to help him too.
She knew she was being mean and it was out of her emotions, but he wasn’t being very tolerable either. Was that supposed to be a cut down.
“I’m not judging you.. I just am trying to help you.” It was obvious he didn’t want help though. He seemed to be happy just being moody and alone, so why was she in here at all. She was starting to think about leaving. She had patrol to be doing.
“Well I have learned sometimes you have to think of yourself. If she is hurting you, then you have every right to deny her of a friendship.” She understood being around people that only thought of themselves, but if he was that miserable there was no reason to be friends with her still, but if he was this moody around Taylor and it was obvious he only wanted to be friends with her then Min could see why Taylor was being like that. Clingy much…. Creepy radar was throwing red flags out on this one.
She eyed him, of course it was his sob story again. Honestly if he was expecting sympathy today was not the day he was getting it.
“They help as much as they can, yes, but they are both retired and living on the very little they have already. So helping me does not make me happy. I appreciate everything they do, but it’s still hard.” She just blinked at him a bit. [b] “You had to have a family helping you before now. They are obligated by law to take care of you until you were at least of age. So before last term he had to have help, right? If he left before that than that was his own issue she guessed.
A small glare went towards Brodie was this guy unbelievable or what.
“Why are you even here? You hate everyone around you that is obvious.. You don’t want to use magic to be healed, if you hate magic why come to a school to learn it. Taylor obvious is better off without you around, so why did you come back?” She knew that was mean, but whatever this jerk was annoying her and she was just done with him.
“If you don’t mind I have patrols to do and students that want to be here to help.” She got out and stormed out of the compartment. As soon as she saw Taylor she was going to tell her friend to stay the hell away from him for good.
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Minnie was blushing and all Alec could do was grin. He could fill in the role of the annoying, embarrassing brother very easily and this was very close to being one of those moments. But he didn't care. "Anytime Minnie!" And she was talking about screwing up? Really? "Minnie, you'll be great at this! I mean you're caring and you look out for the younger badgers and... yeah!" And then he nodded seriously, as if he had just made a very important and well-thought out point. ... Oh? "I've missed you too!" he said, grinning and hugging the girl back, even giving her a small squeeze.
"I'm really glad it helped!" There was no need to mention that he was worried and had pestered his Dad about human health -- which was useless, by the way, since the man was good at treating animals, not humans. "That's great! Did they give you any tips or advice or anything on becoming a Healer?" And he especially liked the fact that she could hug again. "Awesome! I... that's quite a collection of stuffed toys you've got there," An owl, a bear and a penguin... and to think he only had a puppy!toy. One that Ells had given to him.
Okay, they were going to talk about the double date? Uh oh. ... But then again... maybe Minnie would be able to tell him what he'd done wrong? Because he was sure that something had happened in the middle and then... yeah. Things fell apart. "Erm... do you remember the old Lady Prefect of Hufflepuff? Evelyn? Her and her boyfriend Edric," Pause. "The talk turned to engagement and marriage." And... he gave her a tilted head, sheepish look. Did she know how bad that was? ... "Awesome! And more when you get... into the swing of the year?" Did that sound cheesy? "I think you can! You scored last year, remember?" He was still proud about that!
... Uh oh. He'd said something wrong, hadn't he? Alec could just tell that this was the case because she tended to do that lip biting thing that Ells did. And if the two blondes were anything alike... "I... Minnie..." He got up and bent down by her legs. No no no! Wobbly!chin. Was she crying? "I just thought... erm... maybe you're right! Maybe it is monthly! I... I mean... your brother's not that smart. And... and..." Think think THINK! "You'll get to see him... soon! Really soon!"
Minerva just smiled,
“I’ll try to be good. I promise.” She hoped she could be good at being prefect. She was going to try really hard.
“I do like helping, but it’s easy with such great little badgers.” Even though Alec was certainly not little anymore Min still looked at him as that cute ickle first year. Smiling at the boy she sighed,
“I’ve missed brother time.. We need to set up sibling times during the term, k?” She knew he would be busy with school, quidditch, and Ella, but he would have to make time for her. She would make sure of that.
She smiled a little bigger at him,
“Yeah I’m glad it helped too. I have a few calming potions if my anxiety gets bad, but other than that it seems to be all better.” She was really glad that she had made that decision last term and lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend and group of friends to support her in that decision.
“They did, they helped tell me about different programs and some of the specific healer positions. I really think I want to either work with children or in hospitals with new mom’s.” She had thought that for awhile this summer, but she would wait until Uni to really decide. She couldn’t help but giggle a bit with her collection.
“I know it is, but they are all very special to me. I love the two guys who got me them. They are pretty awesome for thinking of me.” She loved them in to very different ways, but she did love Alec like her own brother.
Minerva listened. She guess she remembered that prefect, but not very well. Her eyes widened when she heard the topic.
“Why on earth would it go there? Were they talking about themselves, because obviously they were not talking about you two. You are sixth years and you both have uni to go to first.” The last part wasn’t really a comment it was more of a sister order. Alec was going to go to uni before marriage and stuff. She felt the same about Ella. They were way to young to even have someone bring marriage up to them. It had to be about the other two. When talk moved back to school she just shrugged, [b] “I think that score was luck, but I was thinking of maybe trying out for chaser this year, but I don’t know. I love being a beater and I have my bat.
Min didn’t mean to cry. She really didn’t, but the thought of not seeing him for that long just broke her heart even more.
“It’s alright Alec, you didn’t do anything.” No he was just talking, he didn’t know she was going to be a baby about things.
“You are smart Alec, don’t say you aren’t. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later. I miss him so much already, it’s just hard is all.” She sniffled a bit before falling into his shoulder needing another hug.
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to be like this.. “ She tried to stop crying before picking her head back off his shoulder.