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Old 09-02-2013, 09:48 PM   #14 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Kalla and Ella
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Uh no. Not empty. Kalla was just sitting at the very edge and it was kind of shadowy. HMPH. And yeah, she watched the girl for a long moment... Why was she carrying an elephant ANYTHING. How odd. And childish.

But Kalla kept the scathing remarks to herself.

For now.

"Oi. Saving a seat for my troll cousin if he makes it here in time. Just... so you know..." And no, she was not offering her name first. And what was she writing? Kalla leaned a little closer and very brazenly looked at the notebook.


How useless.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

How in Merlin's beard was there someone in the compartment already? Ella had sworn it was empty but then again, it's not as if she'd really looked that well. She would have expressed how impressed she was at the girl's stealthiness had it not been for her tone. Wow, grouchy much?

"I have an ogre brother so I don't mind trolls." Yup, that was all the girl was getting from her for the moment. Ella was in a good mood and she didn't want anything to ruin it. Seeing as this girl seemed less than pleased by her appearance, it was best to keep quiet.

Except now the girl was invading her personal space and eyeing her doodles. Ella casually shut the notebook and looked up at the stranger curiously, eyebrows raised. She didn't mind that she was looking but it was unexpected. " to Hogwarts?"

Between seeing Garrick at Kings Cross, and then having Garrick's parcel to open as a distraction on the journey, Benjamin had conveniently managed to forget about his other cousin. He'd figured that she'd just find her way back to bother him eventually...but here he was in Hogsmeade, and she hadn't.


Which meant he really should check that, well, she was actually here. He didn't seriously think she wouldn't be, especially if her being here was Uncle's wishes, but one never knew what Kalla had planned.

He'd promised Garrick he'd look out for her though, and he wasn't about to let his best mate down on the same day if he could help it. Not after what he'd found in the package. That photo really was a special find.

He glanced between the carriages sat at the station, and sighed. There was seriously no sight of her. Except...had he just head someone say 'troll' and 'cousin' together? He backtracked a little, and gave the carriages a closer look.

"Did I hear there was room for trolls in this carriage?" he asked, stepping on up, and the edge of his lips curled upwards in a smirk aimed at Kalla. "Because this one needs somewhere to sit."

If you can't beat'em, join'em?

And with that, he sat and gave Ella an apologetic look.
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